
Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness and wild animals. She was also a goddess of childbirth and protecter of young girls and a bringer of disease. She is often also refered to as a goddess of the Moon.


Zeus and Leto

When Leto was pregnant with Artemis and her twin brother Apollo, Hera was very angry as Zeus was her husband, so she decreed that Leto could not have her children on any land rooted to the earth. Leto was in great pain as she searched for a good place to give birth and eventually, she found the floating island of Delos which drifted across the sea, not attached to the earth. When Artemis was born, she helped to deliver her twin brother Apollo which is why she was a goddess of childbirth.

Important relationships

Artemis led a group of immortal girls called the Hunters of Artemis who had sworn off romantic relationships. One of the few males to ever join the group was the giant Orion, but he was killed by a scorpion sent by Gaia because he boasted that he could hunt any animal on earth. Artemis was sad and put him and the scorpion in the stars as a constellation.

She was also close to another hunter called Callisto, but Callisto was tricked into betraying her vow to the hunters by Zeus, and Artemis was forced to turn her into a bear as punishment.