Atalanta was a famous heroine who was known for being an argonaut and drawing first blood when King Oeneus summoned heroes to destroy the Calydonian Boar. Meleager the prince awarded her the prize of the skin but his uncles argued and tried to take it from her, but Meleager killed them.
She was left on a mountainside when she was born and was raised by a bear. Later she found her father Schoeneus.
Important Relationships
Her father wanted her to get married. She agreed but only if her suitor could win against her in a race and she was allowed to kill any losers. One of her suitors called Hippomenes asked for help from Aphrodite and she gave him three golden apples. She told him to drop them during the race, and that Atalanta would stop to pick them up. It worked and he managed to beat her, but he didn’t properly sacrifice to Aphrodite to thank her for the help, so she cursed them, and they both turned into lions.