
The Earth, which the ancient Greeks believed was flat and round.


None, she appeared at the dawn of creation from Chaos.

Important Relationships

After the universe began, she was very lonely as there were only a few gods that existed, so she created a large dome over her called Uranus that was the sky and she also made a dome beneath her called Tartaros.

She was married to Uranus and they had many children. First two sets of triplets, the three Cyclopes who were large giants with only one eye, and the Hecatoncheires who had fifty faces and a hundred hands. Then they had six Titan sons and six Titan daughters, Oceanus, Koios, Krios, Hyperion, Iapetus, Cronus, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne and Tethys. Uranus hid his first children, the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires away within the earth because he thought they were too ugly to be his children! This caused Gaia pain and made her very angry, understandably because she loved all of her children, so she ordered her Titan children to kill their father with a sickle she had made. This was the first weapon in the world. Cronus volunteered, because he saw an opportunity to have power, and his brothers Koios, Krios, Hyperion and Iapetus held down Uranus’s arms and legs. Before Cronus killed him Uranus predicted that Cronus would fall to his own son Zeus. When Cronus imprisoned the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires back into Tartarus she sided with Zeus to overthrow him but didn’t want the gods to imprison the titans in Tartarus. She then had children with Tartaros, the giants and the monster Typhoeus in order to overthrow Zeus, but they failed.