
She was the Goddess of Marriage, Queen of Olympus and was married to Zeus.


Cronus and Rhea

Important Relationships

Wife of Zeus, who tricked her into marrying him by turning into cuckoo bird and becoming her pet. Mother of Ares, God of war, Eileithyia goddess of childbirth, Hebe goddess of youth with Zeus and mother of Hepathetus alone.

She was known for her anger against Zeus’s illegitimate children, such as Heracles. She was also described as incredibly beautiful, but extremely vain. This can be seen in the myth where she is in a beauty contest with Aphrodite and Athena which caused the Trojan War.

This can also be seen in her treatment of her son Hepathetus, who she had by heself in response to Zeus cheating on her. While she did manage to create a baby by herself, he was extremely ugly so she threw him from mount olypus in disgust. As he was a god he did not die but was injured and grew up hating his mother. He was became the god of fire and metalwork so one day he went to mount olympus with his amazing creations as gifts for the Gods. His gift for Hera was a beautiful throne, but as soon as she sat in it unbreakable chains stopped her from leaving it. Eventually Dionysus persuaded Hepathetus to release her and he bacame an Olympian.